Category Archives: Uncategorized

July/August Newsletter

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February Newsletter

For the latest mindbodyfeeling newsletter please click below February News

December Newsletter

For the latest mindbodyfeeling newsletter please click  DECEMBER NEWS

Thoughts and Ipads

A few days ago I returned home from a meditation retreat which was mostly spent [...]

And so it begins….

This week is the start of two Mindfulness eight-week courses, one a group meeting weekly [...]

Drop in Mindfulness Meditation at Union St

Check out my new drop in mindfulness meditation at Union St on Tuesday nights from 6:40 [...]

Mindfulness and Yoga Workshop

So today I joined up with Leonie of Leonie’s Yoga and Pilates for an all [...]

A new year and new intentions

January can be a time for reflections and for setting intentions for the year ahead. [...]